
Approach to Climbing

Beyond a hobby I always think, and in some rare occasions, tell other people how the should try to pursue a hobby, activity or whatever that might make them feel as alive as something you really feel passionate about. Whenever I think or say it, I try not to make it sound as a predicament —sorry if it does some time, I swear it is not my intention. I don’t say this lightly.

Rust Journey

Rust for a non rustacean I’ve always being quite curious about Rust, and it was only a couple of weeks ago that I decided I was going to get serious about learning the language. I’ve heard and read here and there that it was adviced to read The Rust Book (aka The Book) cover to cover before attempting to dive deep into the language.

React: baby steps

The start So I decided to learn React since I’ve been quite curious about frontend development for quite a while now. I went with React becuase looking at the job market in my country it does seem like the obvious and reasonable choice, even though Vue is getting a lot of traction in Santiago, but I wanted to stick with the idea of learning the good old React. Another very good reason for picking React and not somehting like Svelte is its metaframework NextJS.
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